Thursday 8 December 2011

The truth.

This is the most important problem in the world.  The way we change the way we live is the single most important thing we will do with our lives.

The planet has problems,
they are bad
and getting worse.
They are because of human activity.

This will affect us all.  This is our story together.  What are your feelings about this?  What will you do about this problem?  What can we do to be leaders in saving our planet?

This is one of the best videos around about our problem.  I suggest we all watch it and share it with our families.
Home in English:


  1. It was rather a long movie, and the beginning was not too interesting, the middle part was depressing and towards it somehow lightened up my mood a little bit.
    I didn't feel comfortable when watching scenes of those developing countries, though I know they are the reality and while I am having a warm dinner, many people there are looking for food in the garbage fields, or even starving to death.
    Hearing the narrator telling what we, human beings are doing to the earth, we really felt guilty. I am glad that my parents raised me with some eco-friendly minds, such as recycling paper, plastic bottles etc. I also remember to turn off the light whenever I leave the room or not to let the water run when I am brushing my teeth. I know that I am doing only a little, but I will try to do my best to save my beloved planet. Eugenia

  2. When I finish this movie I can't think that the humans do such bad thing to the earth! So now I am doing some action is that I turn off the electric when I don't use it, and not wasting any food,because there's a lot of people don't have food to eat! I tell all my cousin and aunts and uncles how I will do the action and how can they help the earth to be more better, but I know it just a little help of the earth!!

  3. hi! that movie was totally creepy all those bacteria and stuff, really scary . i can't believe that us us human beings could do such a thing to the planet , how rebel can we get?Seriously i was born into this mess it isn't even my fault please, now i have to help. not that i don't want to but really everyone should help and i really think it sucks that our planet is suffering because of us humans. no one else is doing this, we have to help like big time.
    We can't fix all the problems we just have to live with them.

  4. wow this is actually interesting

  5. There are things like our world when the world started.There are so many things like bacteria and energy stuff.Also there are things trapped in the earth's crust. There is a water cycle and it has gone on for ages. Everything is together nothing is a part. 70 percent of the gas is on the surface of the water. It took more than 4 billion years to make trees they grow and grow towards the sun they have the power to catch the sun and make it there energy and wood and lots of other things. there are so many animals and different species. The family's form and go to different places. They walk throw water land and even birds fly.They all balance out together and have different places. We are only 2 hundred thousand years old but still have changed the face of the world. We have concurred many species like no species before us. After 1 hundred thousand years or more we calmed down and started no to hunt we chose to live in wetter places there was life put together. Life doesn't go for ever.
    (this is in 20:14 mins so I have more)

  6. from the video:the world was burning with fire and bacteria was forming together and they feed off the earths heat and it made a colorful stuff which life comes from and in sometime animals appeared
    theres more!

  7. I think this video is really cool, because it showed us all of the things that created the earth. From volcanoes to natural hot springs with micro organisms that made air that evolved into plants, then became trees, then ALL life started. I think this is scientific, and I loooooooooooooooove science. But this video also shows me how our home Earth have been destroyed by us humans, like none other life forms that was in this world way earlier than we were. So this means we need to take some action, we greedy humans, that is. We should start from recycling, reusing things, using natural resources. Even if you are normal person without any special rights, you can make a difference.
    PS: This is the third time I typed this. Wish it works without killing my reflection!
