Thursday 31 May 2012

Calculating Area in Hectares.

Well today was certainly interseting for us to watch you all solving a real world problem: how many hectares is our school property?

First of all: a big congratulations  to the Ultimate Survivors for winning the x2 group point multiplier.  

Many of you used a variety of strategies, but in the end, a lack of estimation left the super rock climbers and the UN groups' answers very prone to mistakes in calculation, especially when converting units.

I'd like to hear a little more about your experience, your thoughts, and specific things would change if I gave you the same exercise again.

As this is in English, consider this your English homework as well as your math homework.  Leave at least one comment below.


  1. I think this activity is very hard because we need to use the ruler to measure the all thing and it is hard to do.

  2. I think that the activity is very fun and it is hard too. We didn't worked very well. I wish that next time we can work better as a group. It is very fun.

  3. I think that this game is very cool, because we all try very hard to do this activity. When we are doing this, we have a fight, because everyone think that it's too hot, and everyone don't want to do. So the time is over! Next time I will not west my time anymore!

  4. I think this activity is really fun, but it a little bit hard. Our group first measure from the outside of the kindergarten and to the other side, and then we measure from one side to the park.

  5. I think the game is really cool!But we fight for doing estimates, and we all most give up, at last we still measure it!I had a great time measuring it and I learn that we have to first estimate. At last, great job SRC!

  6. i think this is good for us. and it is hard to mersure

  7. I read the text on the top, but I'm not so sure if it was the S.R.C. who won the x2 multiplier or the Ultimate Survivors. Anyway I really liked the game but I thought the area was sooo big and the weather was sooo hot (warm) . After a few minutes I started to sweat and then it started raining down my cheeks. It was great that my group got to be back in the classroom first, so we got to enjoy the cool air. At the start the S.R.C. which was my group began at the kindergarden. We were definitely lucky that we realized that we didn't have to go into the kindergarden, or else I wouldn't have known how to measure the length all over the fence. I would love to do that again, but please please please make the area we have to measure a bit smaller.

  8. Sorry, but we (U.S.) didn't win the multiplier, S.R.C. won it. It was so hard measuring everything, first we accidentally went in the kindergarden and got scolded by a teacher. Than we just gave up and went to measure the parking lot and rainbow track, we already knew that the rainbow track was 100 meters long, so we just measured the extra parts. Than later we measured the parking lot by first measuring one space than multiplying all the others. When we went back to the class room we quickly calculated everything, but we just converted the square meters into hectares wrong.

  9. If it was us who won the multiplier, I would be very happy, but too bad it wasn't. This was really fun, but we only measured two lengths of the school. And since it wasn't a rectangle, when we multiplied it together it was different from it was supposed to be. It was hot, and it was hard to do this properly, and so maybe there are miscalculations. But still, the challenge was exiting, and I liked it.

  10. Hey everyone thanks for the comments. It was indeed the SRC who won the multiplier, thank you for the corrections. It looks like most people did not really leave a thoughtful comment. No one talked about what they'd change. I guess we'll look at following directions this week, and writing thoughtful comments.

  11. I think it's very fun , because I don't know how big is the school ~.~

